Mânăstirea Negru Vodă Câmpulung Muscel – Negru Voda Campulung Muscel Monastery

Istoricul manastirii:

Biserica Domneasca ,,Adormirea Maicii Domnului” – secolul XIV,XVII

Constructia initiala ridicata in prima jumatate a secoului XIV, sau, dupa traditie chiar in secoulul XII, a fost rezidita de Matei Basarab in 1636, apoi refacuta in forma actuala in 1832, cu o parte din materialele originale. Se remarca succesiunea de trei turle, pe exonartex, naos si altar, dispozitie ce dateaza din secolul XVII, si paramentul de piatra fatuita de Albesti. Pastreaza cea mai veche lespede de mormant voievodal din tara (1364), apartinand lui Nicolae Alexandru Basarab.

Turn clopotnita ridicat de catre Matei Basarab pentru a fortifica accesul in manastire, este cel mai inalt turn clopotnita din Tara Romaneasca (circa 35m). Decoratia in atru registre (al portii, al marilor arcade, al arcadelor suprapuse si registrul clopotelor) se bazeaza pe motivul profilului semicircular (ciubuc) si pe folosirea discurilor smaltuite. Se pastreaza portile mari de lemn originale.

History monastery:

,,Dormition of the Holy Mother of God”: Princely Church

The initial Construction, raised during the first half of the 14” century, or, according to tradition, even in the 13” century, was rebuilt by Matei Basarab in 1636 and took its present appearance in 1832, when it was reconstructed using some of the original materials, It features a remarkable succession of the three towers, over the porch, nave and altar, dating from the 17” century, and an Albesti cut stone facade facing. It preserves the oldest princely tombstone in the country (1364), belonging to Nicolae Alexandru Basarab.

Bell Tower built by Matei Basarab to fortify the monastery’s entrance, it is the highest bell tower in Wallachia (approximately 35m). The decoration in four registers (of the gate, of the big arches, of the superimposed arches and the bell register) is based on semicircular profile motif and on the usage of enamelled discs. It preserves the original large wooden gates.

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